Audiobook Giveaway – Urban Fantasy Audiobooks

aa-urban-fantasy-2-1My audiobook with Michael La Ronn (DEATH MARKED) just launched on Audible, iTunes, and Amazon, and to celebrate we joined this awesome urban fantasy audiobooks AUDIOBOOK GIVEAWAY.


He wanted to bring his fiancée back from the dead. If he’s not careful, he’ll join her. Evans’s world was turned upside down when he lost his fiancée Senna in a tragic accident. He misses her so desperately that he’s resorted to the dark arts to bring her back.  (more…)

Urban Fantasy Werewolf Novel – HOUNDS OF GOD

Hounds of GodWe’ve all been patiently waiting for the newest urban fantasy werewolf novel, but the wait is over. Ladies and Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce you to… (drumroll please) … Hounds of God!

And to celebrate the release, I’m giving away a $20 Amazon gift card! To enter, see below (it’ll ask  you for the first three words in chapter 11 – whether you get it by purchase or free with Kindle Unlimited).


Torn from her parents at a young age, Katherine is raised in a pack of werewolves like herself and brought into the ways of the Hounds of God: An army of werewolves that will bring justice to evildoers.

But when their leader is killed and everything Katherine has believed is thrown on its head, she sets off with a small group of friends in search of a cure to what she now believes is a curse.

This search for a cure leads her to a fight for survival where she’s challenged to embrace the beast within. Will she give up everything to stop the nefarious army of werewolves, betraying those she once considered family?



UNEDITED (Preorder $0.99)

Okay, because someone asked for it – I wasn’t going to include the prologue here, because I didn’t want people thinking my novel is about a 13-year-old girl. That said, popular demand wins! So here you go!

Hounds of GodNOTE: If you’ve read my short story NIGHT’S CURSE, you might notice that there is some overlap. That is effectively a prequel to this (the backstory), but I wanted this novel to be able to stand on its own and not require people to read that short story.

Prologue: Nine Years Ago

KATHERINE NEVER WANTED THE MOMENT TO END, that Christmas Eve. Years later she would look back with restless yearning for that night. But not for the next morning.

Thirteen-year-old Katherine giggled on the couch beside her father. A thick blue snuggly wrapped around him, giving the impression of a fat wizard. She laughed again and pointed at the ridiculous getup. He smiled back with a wink. His white hair was momentarily highlighted purple from the lights on the trim outside the window. Frosty the Snowman blared from the kitchen, escaping into the living room along with the scent of cinnamon and cloves.

Katherine let her eyes slip to the silver and gold sparkling Christmas tree near the door. Presents lay piled underneath, stockings hung along the wall on the other side of the door. (more…)


UNEDITED (Preorder $0.99)

Hounds of GodChapter 3

Danny ignored the burning in his leg, pushing on through the woods. The bullet had merely grazed him, tearing a line in his pants and drawing a sliver of blood. Nothing worth whining over.

The soldiers or whatever they were—Gregor’s men, most likely—were drawing close, he could tell by the flutter of a bird one moment, a not-so-distant curse the next. They might have been wearing special operations gear, but they certainly weren’t military trained, that much was clear.

Still, if they caught him or Kat, who knows what would happen.

At a clearing, Danny side-stepped and changed direction. If he continued straight, they wouldn’t even have to track him, but just keep running. This way, he’d be able to test his theory about them being untrained.

He found a rocky ledge and darted around to a slope that led him up, then at the top threw himself flat on the ground and watched, waiting.

Sure enough, a couple of soldiers kept on moving the direction he’d been heading.

One stopped, then sniffed the air.

Not a good sign. (more…)


UNEDITED (Preorder $0.99)

Hounds of GodThe closer soldier lunged for Katherine, but Danny kicked him off as the other two rushed forward to join in the struggle. His flashlight clanked against the rocks, casting bursts of light through the room as it was jostled about during the scuffle.

“Go!” Danny shouted.

Katherine hesitated, then ran and leaped for the rope. She pulled herself up as fast as she could, grateful for that aspect of Aldrick’s training, and was glad to see Danny following.

She was up and out when Danny yelped, barely hanging onto the rope as one of the soldiers pulled at his leg. Danny kicked and was free, but his hand came off the rope, and for a moment he was hanging in open air. Moving almost on instinct, Katherine reached out and caught him. With a great heave, she had him up and in the chamber, then slammed her boot hard into the face of a soldier about to climb up after them.

Danny was already pulling the rope free as he yelled, “Go!”

Throwing herself forward, she made for the small passage they’d crawled through to get here. A shout from behind told her Danny had met more trouble, and a quick glance showed two soldiers, one putting him in a chokehold, the other coming towards her.

She couldn’t leave Danny. (more…)


UNEDITED (Preorder $0.99)

Hounds of GodYou are the Hounds of God. Through your deeds, all sins will be corrected, all wrongs righted, and the evildoers of the world will cower in fear at your feet.

– The Way of Light, A Manifesto, Page 259: Section C.

Katherine pulled at her dusty leather jacket to fend off the cold wind’s bite, mind racing at the possibilities of what they’d find in these mountains. A cure? More clues? As long as it wasn’t simply another dead end, she’d accept anything.

With each leap over rocks and along the mountain path, she became increasingly annoyed at the bounce of her ponytail. One of these days, she’d just shave it all off and be done with it. She liked to tell herself it didn’t matter what Danny would think if she did, but she often found herself taking the extra minute each morning to look her best, even if she knew they’d be searching freezing mountains for hidden caverns—as they were this day.

Searching, and probably ending up disappointed—again.

The years had been a mixture of hope and defeat. Nine years of looking for answers as to why she’d become a werewolf. Nine years of hoping to find a cure, but always coming up empty-handed.

She had only two companions left at this point—Babur and Danny. During their search, they’d found myths of wolf spirits taking over one’s body, and of Native Americans who had called upon these spirits for help. So far, they’d dismissed the European stories of villagers transforming in the night to fight off the evil witches, or going into Hell to keep the demons at bay—they had to draw the line somewhere between plausible and ridiculous.

In these days of the internet, there was no shortage of stories and theories. Yet, in all their searches, they hadn’t come across anything regarding the cure she longed for. The myths were their best bet, and they had led them to the mountains of Washington State.

She slowed at a fallen tree she’d noted earlier as a marker, smiling to see Danny crouching nearby and inspecting the area. His tan leather jacket was covered with dust, and a layer of sweat shone from his forehead.

When he turned to grin up at her, his white teeth gleamed in the dim light of dusk.

“You found it?” he asked. (more…)