
I recently optioned a TV pilot to a major studio, and optioned a feature script based off of my adaptation of the novel CRASH (Sterling & Stone). My screenplays have placed in the top ranks of Austin, Page, Creative World Awards, and other contests. One feature in pre-production, another is currently filming.

Find my credits at

I’m excited to share that I was part of the RespectAbility Summer Lab as well as the Writers Guild Foundations Veterans Writing Project – both with some amazing people!


Panelist at the Austin Film Festival and reader for their screenplay contest. Speaker at such writing conferences as the LA ComicCon, San Francisco Writers Conference, San Diego State University Writers Conference, and the Northeast Texas Writers Organization (NETWO).

Videogame writer on such titles as Telltale’s Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, and Minecraft Story Mode; TinyCo’s Avengers Academy; a Mysteria Studio’s epic fantasy title; and Rival Peak with DJ2 Entertainment (writer for the game, additional writing credit for the television portion).


I directed a short film a while back. Here are some fun shots form it: