Damu Michezo.

At the name, the aliens’ postures instantly got less aggressive and they looked at her with wide, intrigued eyes.

“You… You think you can compete in the Damu Michezo?” the lead one asked.

Valerie had to laugh. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine.”

The alien cracked his neck, pounded on his stone carapace, and said, “Show me.”


“You beat me, I’ll point you in the right direction. In fact, there was a shuttle headed for the planet it’s held on not long ago. You might still be able to catch it, or at least chase it down and follow. Are you up to it?”

Robin smiled at Valerie, then shrugged and took a step back.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Valerie warned. “I mean it.”

He scoffed. “I’ll tell you a little secret…no one has ever hurt me. You? I won’t worry. Come.”

Valerie tossed her rifle to Robin, and then her sword. She heard pounding and she turned back to see Qwaza charging damn fast. Valerie had fought her fair share of vampires and Weres on Earth, so she was used to speed. With a quick sidestep, she brought around her leg to sweep him. What she hadn’t counted on was his next move, which involved a fast sideways roll to compensate for her new location. He came up like a boulder, unraveling as he regained his footing, and slammed his forehead right into hers. (more…)



Space: The Singlaxian Grandeur

The Singlaxian Grandeur touched down on the first planet in the Vurugu system, an uncharted habitable sector at the edge of the known universe. All atmospheric tests were nominal, and with only the slightest trepidation Valerie hit the button to open the ship’s doors.

Her first breath of air on this planet brought back memories of the mountains around the fjords back on Earth—cleaner than anything she had experienced until that point, and this had it beat. It carried an interesting scent, like cinnamon.

Not that she was from the fjords. No, she had been born in Old France, before moving to what had once been America and helping to reestablish New York. She had worked hard to bring peace to her corner of Earth, and now the universe called to her. (more…)