DatBeardedBastard Reviewed Retribution Calls

The Golden BeardRETRIBUTION CALLS, the second book in my epic fantasy trilogy was reviewed this week by the website DatBeardedBastard.com. Go check it out! He does a beard based review – that’s right, five beards means your book is great. Haha. Go check out the website to understand.

I’ll just share the end of the review with you, so you have to go to his website to see how he got there (careful, has spoilers):



What will I rate this book you ask? Will it be as good as book one? Well since the last book was a Golden Beard Award winner it has some pressure on it for sure. After reading the book I was grading it based on the story, characters, setting, and overall tone. The book delivers on all of them just as the previous volume. I still think the first book was my favorite based on the development of Narcel and was worried that it would not hold up.


I was wrong. We got more development on Narcel and how he became Equitas. We get more on the transformation of Sinoda to Adonis as well, something that was lacking in the first book. I also like the development of Amaris as well. It was nice to see a strong woman for Equitas to be attracted to that is not a psycho hose beast for sure.


In all, I would have to say that this is an excellent book that I could find no faults with (To be fair for the review I did look for them too).   If you haven’t read this series yet WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! Go read them now. You won’t be disappointed.  We got another perfect 5 on the beard scale and the pressure is now on to see if Justin can pull off the Hat Trick! We shall see.
