Re-reading Harry Potter

Harry PotterWhat’s better than reading an amazing book? Reading it again and loving it just as much (maybe more) than the first time!

That’s right – I just finished listening to the 6th book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. It’s so well written, in terms of pacing, character (ESPECIALLY character), and every other way. 

A quick note on the writing in the Harry Potter books. Of course, it’ phenomenal. But if you look back at earlier books, you’ll see some POV slips (points where JK Rowling jumps into someone else’s thoughts other than Harry’s, which can be find, but it’s a pet peeve of mine). But what Rowling does better than anyone out there is character. Book 6 is the best in terms of this, in my opinion. There are points where you get the sense that she was not a boy and didn’t have a son (the silly fight between Harry and Ron in book 4, for example… Come on). But the trio captures our hearts from the beginning, and it’s fun to really see their romantic interests come to life here. And most of all? Snape, of course.

Seeing as the actor who played Snape recently passed away (Alan Rickman – I’m going to miss him!), this is especially relevent. However, even if that wasn’t the case, Snape as a character is amazing. He’s been truly dark, and totally redeemed himself. Have you seen the Youtube video someone made, showing the clips of Snape in the movie as if it were his movie? It is GUT WRENCHING, and you must watch it if you hope to understand what I’m talking about.

Check it out here: Youtube Snape Video.

If it’s been a while, go back and read the book. If you never have? You’re missing out some of the best literature of… EVER.

In the meantime, if you’ve already read it a billion times and want to read something new, maybe with a female protragonist, check out my books. You can get all 3 Allie Strom books in one package now! 

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